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International Institute of Public Finance

José Raga

José Raga (Licenciado) (MA) Master of Law, University of Valencia, and (MA) Master of Economics, University of Barcelona;
Doctor (Ph. D.), University of Valencia

Present Positions
Since 1980: Full Professor of Economics and Public Finance with Chair at the Complutense University of Madrid;
Since 1999: Full Professor at the University San Pablo-CEU

Past Positions
1961: Lecturer on Economics at the University of Valencia;
1973: Assistant Professor of Economics and Public Finance, at the University Complutense of Madrid;
1977-1980: Full Professor of Economics and Public Finance with Chair at the University of Salamanca

Selected Publications
Edited Books:
The oil crisis as a main component of the energy crisis. General Aspects and economic consequences, Barcelona 1975;

The growth of economic base in Valencian Country: Dynamic structural analysis, Madrid 1976;

Fiscal Policy and income redistribution: Preparation for a quantitative analysis, Madrid 1978

Readings, Proceedings, collective Books:
Economic Chronic of the Valencian Country, in: YearBook 1963, Barcelona 1964;

Theoretical Basis for the Economy in K. Marx, Madrid 1980;

The Socialist Economics in Fact, Madrid 1980;

Economic Process and Entrepreneurial Action, in: Honour to Lucas Beltrán, Madrid 1982;

The Economy in Front of Inflation and Unemployment, Barcelona 1984;

Public Debt, Margin of Financial Intermediation and the Rates of Interest: Is there any Link? In: Herber, B. (Ed), Public Finance and Public Dept., Detroit 1986;

Public Finance and governance in a New Democracy: Opportunities and Problems, in: Van de Kar, J.M. and Wolfe, B.L. (Eds), The Relevance of Public Finance for Policy Making, Detroit 1987;

Joint Market and Economic Strength, Barcelona 1990;

The Monetary, Financial and International Trade Systems Reform, Madrid 1990;

The New Protectionism and the Developing Countries, Madrid 1990;

The Social Function of the Market Economy, Madrid 1992;

The Social function and the entrepreneur's behaviour in a regulated economy, Madrid 1992;

The globalisation of the Economy, Madrid 1993;

Technological change, labour mobility and pension funds - Public Finance / Finances Publiques, 1993;

Entrepreneurial activity and economic activity, Madrid 1994;

The Spanish agriculture in front of the EEC, Córdoba 1995;

The agricultural activity in the context of crisis of the 90's, Córdoba 1995;

The Christian view of economy and society, Brussels 1997;

Employment and unemployment in Spain. Brussels, March 1997;

The crisis of the Welfare State. Madrid 1997;

Privatisation and the efficiency of productive resources. Madrid 1997;

The introduction of more flexibility in working time. Social, cultural and religious implications, Brussels 1999;

How could a WOT agreement on direct foreign investment help the poorest countries. Brussels, March-April 2001

Articles :
Valencia in Front of the Development Plan, in: Revista Financiera, Banco de Vizcaya, May 1966;

The financing as a basic element of economic growth: non-banking financial means, in: Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad, n_ 2, May 1970;

Spain in front of the international monetary situation, in: Moneda y Crédito, nº 135, December 1975;

Advertising as an economic instrument, in: Revista de Economía Política, nº 74 September-December 1976;

Crisis and foreign indebtedness. An empirical Analysis, in: Moneda y Crédito, nº 141, June 1977;

Fiscal state and Public economics, a relationship in crisis: the limits for a fiscal reform, in: Moneda y Crédito, nº 151 Dec. 1979;

Marxist plusvalue and entrepreneurial action: a reconsideration, in: Estudios filosóficos, nº 89, vol. XXXII, Valladolid, January-April 1983;

The public sector in Spain: current problems, in: Moneda y Crédito, nº 180, March 1987;

Public deficit financing and the rates of interest, in: Moneda y Crédtio, nº 185, June 1988;

The bankrupt of the welfare state, in: Veintiuno, Revista de Pensamiento y Cultura, nº 5, spring 1990;

An international carbon tax to combat global warming" with B.P. Herber.The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 1995;

The social function of the Private Universities, Utopía y Sociedad, 1996;

The Government budget for 1999. Nueva Revista, November 1998;

Banking concentration: mean or end? Nueva Revista, December 1999;

Commodities trade and financial flows: consequences in less developed countries economies. Corintios XIII, October-December 2000

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