African Public Policy Award
In connection with the 2009 Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance (IIPF) in Cape Town, South Africa, IIPF and the German Development Cooperation (GTZ) are pleased to announce the first African Public Policy Award.
The award aims to encourage African research in the area of public policy and especially on the reform of public institutions, as this constitutes the basis for shaping Africa’s economic and political future. Particularly in the presence of the financial and economic crisis, adequate and efficient institutional and political set-ups are needed to strengthen national systems and ensure economic growth.
The three best papers, out of the papers written by African researchers and selected for presentation at the 2009 Annual Congress of the IIPF were rewarded. Their selection was headed by the Chair of the Scientific Committee of the Congress.
The winners of the African Public Policy Awards 2009 were:
José Carlos Assi Kimou (CIRES, University of Cocody-Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire), for his paper Economic Conditions, Enforcement and Criminal Activities in the District of Abidjan
Boniface Ngah Epo (University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon) and Francis Menjo Baye (University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon), for their paper Explaining Inter-Household Gender Inequality in Cameroon: An Oaxaca-Blinder Approach.
Flaubert Mbiekop (Drew University, Madison, USA), for his paper On Governance and the Demographic Transition. |